jslander: butter caught in the act
jslander: butter trying to nap
jslander: butter is uncertain
jslander: butter is cute
jslander: butter matches the sheets
jslander: butter curled up
jslander: butter playing hard to get
jslander: missing brianna and alex
jslander: butter chillin
jslander: butter on pillows
jslander: butter is fake sleeping
jslander: butter is trying to close his eyes
jslander: butter is yoda
jslander: butter is not carrying on
jslander: butter is tuckered out
jslander: butter settles in
jslander: butter found his spot
jslander: butter sleeps
jslander: butter has sad eyes
jslander: butter likes the corner
jslander: butter begs for grilled cheese
jslander: butter eyes the panini-ed cheese
jslander: butter wants lunch
jslander: butter sees my food
jslander: butter is meta
jslander: butter is in the matrix
jslander: butter puts his foot down
jslander: butter says "are you sure?"
jslander: butter says "but please?"
jslander: butter sees you