jslander: first wedge to christian
jslander: height
jslander: not braided, but still pretty
jslander: cooling
jslander: waiting to eat is hard
jslander: more honey butter glaze
jslander: my first challah, fresh from the oven
jslander: ready for the oven
jslander: after allowing the dough to rise THREE times!
jslander: summer dinner
jslander: peach pie!
jslander: out of the oven
jslander: happiness
jslander: tBAT
jslander: waiting for bacon
jslander: uncooked crust
jslander: hearts and clover
jslander: white and yellow
jslander: brownies for coworkers
jslander: yes, it's the same photo with different focus
jslander: yup, same photo, different focus
jslander: chewy
jslander: packing them up for the office
jslander: fudgy fjord
jslander: this brownie pan is no joke!
jslander: brownies from scratch
jslander: in goes the flour
jslander: high butter-fat content
jslander: melting butter into the chocolate
jslander: butter resigns himself to a life without bacon