Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Funny Girl - Festgemacht im Binnenhafen
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Funny Girl - Einlaufen im Binnenhafen
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Hummerbuden
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Hummerbuden - Südhafen
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Promenade
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Blick vom Ober- ins Unterland
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Blick entlang der Steilküste
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Bruthabitat Bastölpel
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Blick zur Langen Anna
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Abbruckkante zur Langen Anna
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Nordstrand Felsenweg ins Oberland
Pana53 the photographer:
Seehund (Phoca vitulina) - Jungtier (1)
Pana53 the photographer:
Seehund (Phoca vitulina) - Jungtier (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Seehund (Phoca vitulina) - Jungtier (3)
Pana53 the photographer:
Helgoland - Düne - Südstrand Seezeichen
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Neugeburt (6)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Neugeburt (5)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Neugeburt (4)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Neugeburt (3)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Neugeburt (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Neugeburt (1)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe - Neugeburt (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe - Neugeburt
Pana53 the photographer:
Meerstrandläufer (Calidris maritima) und Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius)
Pana53 the photographer:
Knutt (Calidris canutus) (3)
Pana53 the photographer:
Knutt (Calidris canutus) (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Knutt (Calidris canutus)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Schöne Träume - lovely dreaming
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe - Guckst du . . .
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe - Faulenzen