pamhule: Bananas for Sale (Explored)
pamhule: Eggs for Sale
pamhule: Gage Street, Hong Kong
pamhule: Closing Time
pamhule: Fresh Fish
pamhule: MiMi the Cat (小猫咪咪)
pamhule: Outside Kitchen
pamhule: Gage Street, Hong Kong
pamhule: Lemon's for Sale
pamhule: Butcher
pamhule: Late Night Work
pamhule: Gage Street, Hong Kong
pamhule: Behind the Counter
pamhule: Store Front
pamhule: Gutzlaff Street (吉士笠街)
pamhule: Hollywood Road at Night (荷李活道) (Explored)
pamhule: Bobby Taylor at the Skylark Lounge
pamhule: Prince's Terrace (太子台)
pamhule: Peel Street at Night (HDR)
pamhule: Hollywood and Peel
pamhule: Homeless
pamhule: Queen's Road West (皇后大道西)
pamhule: Back of the Building
pamhule: Buying Strawberries
pamhule: Rice
pamhule: Market Cat
pamhule: Late Afternoon Shopping
pamhule: The Chairman in Soho (iPhone HDR)
pamhule: Late Night Dinner (explored)
pamhule: Sparks (火花)