Palm Tree Princess: Studio Front Door
Palm Tree Princess: Daydreamin'
Palm Tree Princess: New Now Sew WOW!
Palm Tree Princess: Wht is in those lil' drawers anyways?
Palm Tree Princess: Got fabric?
Palm Tree Princess: art studio
Palm Tree Princess: art studio
Palm Tree Princess: art studio
Palm Tree Princess: art studio from the outside
Palm Tree Princess: welcome to my favorite place!
Palm Tree Princess: art studio storage drawers
Palm Tree Princess: art studio ribbon board and inspirational books
Palm Tree Princess: art studio ribbon/knick knacks shelf
Palm Tree Princess: playhouse kitchen and desk
Palm Tree Princess: view from playhouse to art studio
Palm Tree Princess: playhouse kitchen
Palm Tree Princess: playhouse artwork
Palm Tree Princess: playhouse entrance
Palm Tree Princess: art studio fabric storage
Palm Tree Princess: art studio ribbons
Palm Tree Princess: art studio daybed
Palm Tree Princess: art studio