Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Meadowlark immature (spp.) first ever seen in Fall
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Scarlet Tanager (non-breeding male) eating Black Cherry - Tree is native to MN
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
White-breasted Nuthatch
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Spotted Sandpiper
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Sharp-tailed Grouse on Lek
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Northern Cardinal (male) on Wild Plum
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Mallard Closeup (male)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female) on Salvia
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Red-winged Blackbird on Cup Plant
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
American Goldfinch (immature) on dried Cup Plant
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Harris's Sprarrow (First winter plumage?)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Savannah Sparrow (FOY 2020)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
American Woodcock (FOY 2017)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Red-winged Blackbird (male) perched on Ninebark shrub
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (FOY 2018)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Dark-eyed Junco
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Fox Sparrow
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Yellow Warbler (juvenile?) on Cup Plant
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Ruby-throated (adult male)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Red-winged Blackbird (juvenile) begging for food on a Cup Plant
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Spotted Sandpiper
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Red-bellied Woodpecker (male) eating sunflower seed
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Eastern Towhee (male) FOY 2020
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Yellow Warbler (male)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Common Yellowthroat (male)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
American Robin in January
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Ruddy Duck (male)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Sharp-shinned Hawk (preying on European Starling) FOY 2018
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Purple Martins (male and female)