Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Mountain Bluebird (male)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Bison at local watering hole
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Bison at watering hole with Brown-headed Cowbird on top
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Bison on the move
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
(Audbon's) Yellow-rumped Warbler - lifer bird!
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone (Yellowstone National Park)
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Golden Gate Yellowstone NP
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Mountain Bluebird
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
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Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
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Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
MacGillivray's Warbler Yellowstone NP
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Uinta Ground Squirrel
Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
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Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
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Nature by Travis Bonovsky:
Wildfowers at Yellowstone National Park 2017