palmahbeng: DSCF4858 edited
palmahbeng: Which book that you want to read first? #1
palmahbeng: Which book that you want to read first? #2
palmahbeng: Which book that you want to read first? #3
palmahbeng: Which book that you want to read first? #4
palmahbeng: Which book that you want to read first? #5
palmahbeng: Which book that you want to read first? #6
palmahbeng: Senpai, the book that we want is here.
palmahbeng: Gauma-san call us for practice again?
palmahbeng: DSCF3581 edited
palmahbeng: DSCF3571 edited
palmahbeng: DSCF3592 edited
palmahbeng: Can I eat your Katsudon too?
palmahbeng: Please buy me an ice-cream!
palmahbeng: Ice-cream is so good...
palmahbeng: Hey! It's time to play now!
palmahbeng: After school, where should we go next?
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #1
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #2
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #3
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #4
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #5
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #6
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #7
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #8
palmahbeng: It has been 10 years, isn't it? #9
palmahbeng: Saturday pratice
palmahbeng: Attack mission #1
palmahbeng: Attack mission #2
palmahbeng: Attack mission #3