spiralgirl1: shallow depth...Mr. Snail and Mr. Fly
spiralgirl1: wandering around
spiralgirl1: Love snails
spiralgirl1: IMG_0871-Edit.jpg
spiralgirl1: mushroom
spiralgirl1: OMG it's the perfect toadstool!
spiralgirl1: Had enough...I'm outta here
spiralgirl1: Amanita muscaria and snail
spiralgirl1: Mushrooms
spiralgirl1: morning light...opened a lot from yesterday
spiralgirl1: googly eyed Bokeh
spiralgirl1: I have Mushroom madness
spiralgirl1: nother one:)
spiralgirl1: drippy mushroom
spiralgirl1: Little worlds that I love to visit
spiralgirl1: Shaggy
spiralgirl1: Amanita and friend
spiralgirl1: glowing
spiralgirl1: little worlds