pallas_marisa: Breakfast at the Pneumatic Diner in Reno
pallas_marisa: James in our tent-home sporting his fancy playa cup
pallas_marisa: In the top I got from the Sexagon's Lingerie Lounge
pallas_marisa: My dapper space cowboy
pallas_marisa: Sitting in an art piece, sporting my glow earrings
pallas_marisa: James and the Blue Moon
pallas_marisa: Burn Wall Street
pallas_marisa: Starseed, blurry
pallas_marisa: James in Burn Wall Street
pallas_marisa: James in Burn Wall Street
pallas_marisa: JAMES FACE!
pallas_marisa: CLA$$ WAR Is no good. Luv All
pallas_marisa: The Burn Wall Street Bull
pallas_marisa: Head on fire CORE project
pallas_marisa: Head on fire CORE project
pallas_marisa: James watching the CORE burn
pallas_marisa: Me watching the CORE burn
pallas_marisa: Xara Car watching the CORE burn
pallas_marisa: James watching the CORE burn
pallas_marisa: IMG_2905
pallas_marisa: IMG_2906
pallas_marisa: San Diego Core project, the Caroushell burning
pallas_marisa: The Man and the CORE burn
pallas_marisa: The Man and the CORE burn
pallas_marisa: IMG_2913
pallas_marisa: IMG_2915
pallas_marisa: San Diego Core project, the Caroushell burning
pallas_marisa: Nicole and Dag at the CORE burn