palezer0: Cutting up cheese for the sandwich
palezer0: The melon prosciutto sandwiches are being assembled.
palezer0: Looking good.
palezer0: How we weighed them down on the grill
palezer0: All done even though we ran out of propane
palezer0: Ready for eating
palezer0: Close up of the yummy sandwich
palezer0: Had them with some Ephemere beer
palezer0: Heather tweeting a pic
palezer0: It's ready to go
palezer0: In the pan, pancake style
palezer0: The pancake cakes are being made.
palezer0: Here's how e did it, almost crepe style.
palezer0: Spread out the batter.
palezer0: Let it cook.
palezer0: We even used the oven for some help.
palezer0: Mike made a mess.
palezer0: The ingredients for the layers.
palezer0: Spreading and stacking
palezer0: Now it's Nutella's turn.
palezer0: The completed stack.
palezer0: Hope it holds!
palezer0: Cake is done!
palezer0: It came out pretty nice.
palezer0: Waiting to be eaten
palezer0: Close-up
palezer0: A lot of the icing dripped off.
palezer0: Drinks and bread to start.
palezer0: Now some pork belly.
palezer0: Heather's Fish