palezer0: Elephant
palezer0: Elephants
palezer0: Elephants
palezer0: Even More Elephant Shots!
palezer0: The Spectacled Bear Eating
palezer0: Spectacled Bear
palezer0: Still Eating
palezer0: Ocelot
palezer0: Ocelot
palezer0: Baby Capybaras
palezer0: Capybara Family
palezer0: Capybara Family
palezer0: Turtles
palezer0: The Caymans
palezer0: Birds in the Rainforest Falls
palezer0: An Anteater
palezer0: Piranha
palezer0: Bats
palezer0: Bats
palezer0: This Monkey Wants Out
palezer0: Monkey with Baby
palezer0: Monkey
palezer0: Monkey Hanging Out
palezer0: Baby Hanging from Mom's Tail
palezer0: Baby Hanging from Mom's Tail
palezer0: That looks comfy.
palezer0: Mom doesn't look very comfortable.
palezer0: Hang on baby!
palezer0: Family Trip
palezer0: Mom is not amused.