Pålern: The Gatekeeper
Pålern: The gatekeeper
Pålern: The face of poverty
Pålern: The Medina
Pålern: Woman in black
Pålern: Playing the Er-hu
Pålern: Playing around
Pålern: Maxin relaxin on a bench
Pålern: Sunset at the Coney Island pier
Pålern: An Indian on Staten Island
Pålern: Two curious Asian American kids
Pålern: Beautiful Woman - Butt - Vagina
Pålern: Troops home - Afghanistan out
Pålern: Dolmabache
Pålern: Preacherman
Pålern: Mexican Man
Pålern: Street musicians
Pålern: Bistro
Pålern: Salut
Pålern: Guard
Pålern: Sidi Bou Said
Pålern: Born in the USA - Coney Island
Pålern: Guy with a finger up his nose
Pålern: The Pointing man, and his smiling girlfriend
Pålern: Holding hands in Managua
Pålern: The Butcher
Pålern: Turkish kids
Pålern: Had a bad day?
Pålern: A curious Asian American kid
Pålern: Homeless guy on the Santa Monica beach