Palentino: "S" for Starwars
Palentino: Old and exotic postal card.
Palentino: My method for to get a frozen image.
Palentino: Fire + Ice = Water
Palentino: The water can also blur the vision.
Palentino: Unfinished selfportrait
Palentino: Stars in the water
Palentino: Helsingor in watercolor.
Palentino: If you drink a lot this Christmas, you'll see strange things
Palentino: A candle in the dark, a light in the night.
Palentino: Snow-ball
Palentino: Back to the Past
Palentino: Looking Death face to face
Palentino: My photographic lunch.
Palentino: I'm boooooored!
Palentino: Drinking light.
Palentino: Autopsy
Palentino: Diversity
Palentino: Mushrooms.
Palentino: Family Stroll
Palentino: Love is a Bubble
Palentino: All we are made of the same things...
Palentino: Star Crisis
Palentino: Old wooden clothespin
Palentino: An important word.
Palentino: Fresh water.
Palentino: Bang, bang, you are dead!. ;-P
Palentino: I'm ready for the summer.
Palentino: The royal family
Palentino: My little ship