pakhet: Required reading
pakhet: Across the Moray Firth
pakhet: Reflection
pakhet: Industrial lighting
pakhet: Modern Art
pakhet: Strathlene Beach
pakhet: Coastal path
pakhet: Aurora
pakhet: ICM at Low Shore
pakhet: Big skies
pakhet: Banff Links
pakhet: Grey Seal
pakhet: Low Shore
pakhet: Reflected sunlight
pakhet: Gordon Castle Walled Garden, Fochabers
pakhet: Signs of things to come
pakhet: Harbour
pakhet: Waves
pakhet: Not snowing here
pakhet: Kitchen splashback
pakhet: More weather
pakhet: Feeling the waves
pakhet: Temporary
pakhet: Storm Bert wozn't really 'ere
pakhet: Pot
pakhet: Angelic appearances
pakhet: Changing Light
pakhet: 5 seals and a redshank
pakhet: Looking empty
pakhet: Long sunset