pakhet: Rochester Esplanade
pakhet: Macro monster
pakhet: Plant life
pakhet: Draco Roffensis
pakhet: Turtle
pakhet: Knitting
pakhet: Poppies
pakhet: Monmouth Street
pakhet: Oare Gunpowder Works
pakhet: Phoebe
pakhet: Wet plate collodion
pakhet: The end of more than one chapter
pakhet: Kingsgate Bay
pakhet: The Ashen Keys
pakhet: IR 590
pakhet: IR 590 jpeg version
pakhet: IR 590 sunset
pakhet: Rochester castle at night
pakhet: Rochester Bridge
pakhet: Solstice Moonlight Paddle
pakhet: HENRV
pakhet: Present Laughter
pakhet: Seeking attention
pakhet: Sunset sky
pakhet: End of an era
pakhet: Not far from the A1
pakhet: Not bad views here
pakhet: It's ours
pakhet: Window detail
pakhet: Still light in summer