pakhet: Wisteria by night
pakhet: Rochester Bridge Trust event
pakhet: Marigolds
pakhet: Wisteria - infrared
pakhet: Rochester Sweeps Festival
pakhet: Sweeps Day 3 - rain
pakhet: IR 665
pakhet: Watts Meadow
pakhet: Cables in the sky
pakhet: From Sun Pier
pakhet: Green
pakhet: Bookbinding
pakhet: Sky over the River
pakhet: Snail
pakhet: Sky
pakhet: Jug
pakhet: IR 720
pakhet: Edith May from Cambria
pakhet: Jacksons Rec
pakhet: Sunset from the window
pakhet: Oops
pakhet: Peonies
pakhet: Peonies - IR 590
pakhet: Peonies - macro
pakhet: Saturday morning
pakhet: Peonies 4
pakhet: Not the same
pakhet: Love
pakhet: What's left of the wisteria
pakhet: Rochester Bridge