pakhet: Shadows
pakhet: Not for sitting out in the winter
pakhet: Rochester Castle
pakhet: Seeds
pakhet: Mirrie dancers in Kent
pakhet: Berries
pakhet: Walk in West Sussex
pakhet: Evening
pakhet: Elbums
pakhet: Lights
pakhet: Walk in the woods
pakhet: Baking
pakhet: God's fingers
pakhet: Play
pakhet: Autumn leaves
pakhet: Detritus
pakhet: Bud
pakhet: Don't bother
pakhet: Multi-exposure
pakhet: Night lights on Rochester Bridge
pakhet: The other bridge
pakhet: Castle Christmas Market
pakhet: Moon
pakhet: British Museum
pakhet: Kayaking
pakhet: Fairground
pakhet: The first batch
pakhet: The Vines, Rochester
pakhet: Kayaking
pakhet: Mouse