pakhet: Phoebe
pakhet: Redcurrant
pakhet: Sally Ironmonger and Brian Carter
pakhet: Photo Book Prints
pakhet: Strange stuff grows in window boxes
pakhet: Night
pakhet: The finished book
pakhet: Snow on Spring
pakhet: Be seen
pakhet: Blossom
pakhet: Peace Doves Late
pakhet: Daffodil
pakhet: Fireside tile
pakhet: Tourist shot
pakhet: New toy
pakhet: Pre-birthday treat
pakhet: Cactus
pakhet: Wet plate collodion
pakhet: Macro
pakhet: Phoebe - again
pakhet: Barham
pakhet: Cactus flowers
pakhet: Light through the curtain
pakhet: Magnolia
pakhet: Thurne Mill, Norfolk
pakhet: Wet primroses
pakhet: River Medway
pakhet: Abstract plant pot
pakhet: Evening
pakhet: Let there be a lot of LED light