pakhet: Faversham Creek
pakhet: On the Beach
pakhet: The Vines, Rochester
pakhet: Faversham Creek
pakhet: What happens when ...
pakhet: Eucalyptus
pakhet: Falconhurst
pakhet: Margate Beach
pakhet: Esplanade
pakhet: Old Man's Beard
pakhet: Infrared evening
pakhet: River Medway
pakhet: Play
pakhet: Light from the window
pakhet: Redcurrant
pakhet: Night
pakhet: Blossom
pakhet: Phoebe - again
pakhet: Barham
pakhet: Abstract plant pot
pakhet: Esplanade
pakhet: Nashenden Valley
pakhet: Those bridges ..
pakhet: Bluebells
pakhet: Bluebells
pakhet: Low tide at sunset
pakhet: Ash Dieback
pakhet: Grass 009
pakhet: Dandelion
pakhet: Poppy