pakhet: Day 280 365/2010: The Offering
pakhet: Day 284 365/2010: Special Offer
pakhet: Day 291 365/2010: Fascination and love
pakhet: Instruction #4
pakhet: Day 302 365/2010: Man Friday makes an impression
pakhet: Day 312 365/2010: Under My Umbrella
pakhet: Day 317 365/2010: Attitude
pakhet: Eye contact
pakhet: Three of a kind
pakhet: Day 340 365/2010: Weekly Entertainment
pakhet: Restore Rochester Castle - signing the petition
pakhet: 'Look for the stars, even in broad daylight'
pakhet: Day 358 365/2010: Getting local
pakhet: Instruction #14
pakhet: This way or that
pakhet: Betty Boop has seen Better Days
pakhet: My agent will sue you
pakhet: Inside out
pakhet: The modern security blanket
pakhet: A quiet street
pakhet: Instruction #21
pakhet: instruction #22
pakhet: Light through the spaces
pakhet: Let's pretend ...
pakhet: Lucky break
pakhet: instruction #26
pakhet: The Goddess speaks
pakhet: Medway Towns Gurdwara Sabha - sandals
pakhet: Impetus
pakhet: Instruction #30