pakhet: love me, love my phone .. revisited :-)
pakhet: Day 145 365/2010: Taking a break from the world
pakhet: Day 142 365/2010: Three on a bench (reprise)
pakhet: I'm too cool to do that project
pakhet: Day 140 365/2010: Tribute to Munch :-)
pakhet: Read all about it - Cheryl can't stand the heat! :-)
pakhet: Day 132 365/2010: Spill away coffee
pakhet: Day 125 365/2010: Text you some flowers
pakhet: Day 117 365/2010: lost in thoughts
pakhet: Cigarette in the sun
pakhet: Day 114 365/2010: Just waiting
pakhet: Day 109 365/2010: Very interested in your conversation
pakhet: Park bench blades
pakhet: a quiet cigarette
pakhet: Day 96 365/2010: Fanta-sy
pakhet: Day 95 365/2010: Discomfort in security
pakhet: Day 93 365/2010: Phoning
pakhet: Confidences
pakhet: Day 75 365/2010: Teenagers will be ... :-)
pakhet: Day 61 365/2010: All well and good
pakhet: Visit the Galleries
pakhet: Day 36 365/2010: A taste of the afternoon sun
pakhet: Camera spotting
pakhet: Conversation
pakhet: Taking a break ..
pakhet: Day 146 365/2010: Listening ... not looking ... really
pakhet: Day 150 365/2010: Four in a row
pakhet: Day 153 365/2010: Having lunch
pakhet: Just texted
pakhet: Hot crocs