pakhet: I'm too cool to do that project
pakhet: Day 142 365/2010: Three on a bench (reprise)
pakhet: Day 140 365/2010: Tribute to Munch :-)
pakhet: Day 139 365/2010: Spotted by the black tights
pakhet: Hey! We have shades outside of London :-) ..
pakhet: Day 113 365/2010: Adjusting my clothing for Friday night
pakhet: Day 101 365/2010: Let's get drunk ...
pakhet: man and boy look at their feet
pakhet: Day 98 365/2010: Scoops is closed
pakhet: Day 96 365/2010: Fanta-sy
pakhet: Black walking
pakhet: Major and Friends
pakhet: Primark
pakhet: Day 83 365/2010: Goth & Blonde
pakhet: Day 81 365/2010: Four faces and a tongue
pakhet: Yes ... 1
pakhet: Watching where I step
pakhet: Uhh..
pakhet: This is Chatham ..
pakhet: Pink
pakhet: Day 70 365/2010: No appointment needed ...
pakhet: doing the can-can
pakhet: Day 65 365/2010: Sub of the day
pakhet: Day 63 365/2010: Pondering the guide
pakhet: Visit the Galleries
pakhet: Day 58 365/2010: Let's talk theology
pakhet: Day 57 365/2010: After school
pakhet: Red bag
pakhet: Umbrella catwalk 2
pakhet: Umbrella catwalk 3