pakhet: Day 145 365/2010: Taking a break from the world
pakhet: Read all about it - Cheryl can't stand the heat! :-)
pakhet: Day 137 365/2010: Oblivious to my path
pakhet: Day 135 365/2010: Perhaps we'll need the umbrellas
pakhet: Day 133 365/2010: The contents of my handbag
pakhet: Day 125 365/2010: Text you some flowers
pakhet: Day 120 365/2010: Plugged in
pakhet: Day 114 365/2010: Just waiting
pakhet: Cigarette in the sun
pakhet: Cigarette and phone
pakhet: Park bench blades
pakhet: Day 99 365/2010: Johnstones is open...
pakhet: a quiet cigarette
pakhet: Day 95 365/2010: Discomfort in security
pakhet: Go on then, take my picture ..
pakhet: Day 93 365/2010: Phoning
pakhet: Day 91 365/2010: Style Council
pakhet: Ignoring the rainbow
pakhet: My phone and umbrella
pakhet: Vision of displeasure
pakhet: Day 85 365/2010: Visionary
pakhet: Covent Garden
pakhet: yes ... 2
pakhet: Football today
pakhet: Day 77 365/2010: Reflective
pakhet: Day 76 365/2010: Confined
pakhet: Day 73 365/2010: Are you on my list?
pakhet: Controlled Zone
pakhet: Hair
pakhet: get any good shots then