pakhet: love me, love my phone .. revisited :-)
pakhet: He walked straight past :-)
pakhet: Day 142 365/2010: Three on a bench (reprise)
pakhet: Day 141 365/2010: Cleaning has gone to my head
pakhet: Day 139 365/2010: Spotted by the black tights
pakhet: Day 135 365/2010: Perhaps we'll need the umbrellas
pakhet: Day 134 365/2010: Say cheese .. and take a taxi
pakhet: Day 130 365/2010: Trekkin'
pakhet: Day 124 365/2010: I understand ....
pakhet: Day 111 365/2010: Wearing the cool dude uniform
pakhet: Day 106 365/2010: Discovering the mobile phone .
pakhet: Day 105 365/2010: Into the sun
pakhet: Day 104 365/2010: Don't look now
pakhet: Day 101 365/2010: Let's get drunk ...
pakhet: man and boy look at their feet
pakhet: Day 98 365/2010: Scoops is closed
pakhet: Day 96 365/2010: Fanta-sy
pakhet: Day 91 365/2010: Style Council
pakhet: Ignoring the rainbow
pakhet: Day 89 365/2010: No smoking in the Cathedral
pakhet: Vision of displeasure
pakhet: Covent garden children part 2
pakhet: Covent Garden girl
pakhet: Day 82 365/2010: Red hair cafe
pakhet: This is Chatham ..
pakhet: Pink
pakhet: Day 66 365/2010: modern pirates
pakhet: Hug
pakhet: Red bag
pakhet: Umbrella catwalk 2