pakhet: Day 121 365/2010: Rochester Sweeps Festival - Hunter's Moon Morris
pakhet: Day 122 365/2010: Yoga project 16: Prasarita Padotanasana
pakhet: Day 123 365/2010: Coldrum Long Barrow, Trottiscliffe
pakhet: Day 124 365/2010: I understand ....
pakhet: Day 125 365/2010: Text you some flowers
pakhet: Day 126 365/2010: Follow my leader
pakhet: Day 127 365/2010: Tulip
pakhet: Day 128 365/2010: Two days late
pakhet: Day 129 365/2010: Departure
pakhet: Day 130 365/2010: Trekkin'
pakhet: Day 131 365/2010: Gimpy
pakhet: Day 132 365/2010: Spill away coffee
pakhet: Day 133 365/2010: The contents of my handbag
pakhet: Day 134 365/2010: Say cheese .. and take a taxi
pakhet: Day 136 365/2010: Shall we dance? No I'll just take your leaflet
pakhet: Day 135 365/2010: Perhaps we'll need the umbrellas
pakhet: Day 137 365/2010: Oblivious to my path
pakhet: Day 138 365/2010: Asana project 17: Dhanurasana
pakhet: Day 139 365/2010: Spotted by the black tights
pakhet: Day 140 365/2010: Tribute to Munch :-)
pakhet: Day 141 365/2010: Cleaning has gone to my head
pakhet: Day 142 365/2010: Three on a bench (reprise)
pakhet: Day 143 365/2010: Asana project 18- Sirsasana
pakhet: Day 144 365/2010: Upnor Castle from Chatham Marina
pakhet: Day 145 365/2010: Taking a break from the world
pakhet: Day 146 365/2010: Listening ... not looking ... really
pakhet: Day 147 365/2010: The cake rush
pakhet: Day 148 365/2010: So where are you..?
pakhet: Day 149 365/2010: Abstract with bubbles
pakhet: Day 150 365/2010: Four in a row