pajammy: The adventure starts here
pajammy: Museo De Ceramica
pajammy: First Falla sighting
pajammy: The parades were neverending
pajammy: T&A
pajammy: One falla, two fallas, three fallas four
pajammy: Waiting for flowers
pajammy: Little girls
pajammy: Found at the fountain
pajammy: Cathedral invasion
pajammy: I <3 bunuelos
pajammy: Screw Atkins
pajammy: La Ruia's paella
pajammy: OD on rice
pajammy: I couldn't finish mine
pajammy: Valencia was beautiful
pajammy: Even with shadows
pajammy: Another falla
pajammy: The Central Market
pajammy: Shopping on a Tuesday
pajammy: Fruits and snacks
pajammy: Jamon overload
pajammy: Should have stuffed my suitcase full of these
pajammy: The cured
pajammy: Strawberry Shortcake would love this place
pajammy: Gigantic peppers
pajammy: Click on these links
pajammy: Gimme some tongue
pajammy: Didn't notice the rabbits until I uploaded this picture
pajammy: Turbochicken spotted!