ys0lla: Sweethearts <3
ys0lla: A girl and her bike
ys0lla: Adelina might not be cut out for yoga
ys0lla: Friends <3
ys0lla: Keeping it clean!
ys0lla: I'm writing my memoirs
ys0lla: Hannah missed the dress code message...
ys0lla: April Fools!
ys0lla: Deb
ys0lla: Making some uggs
ys0lla: Surfing the net
ys0lla: Movie time!
ys0lla: The park
ys0lla: That's my shoe!
ys0lla: Don't you hate it when you miss the postie!
ys0lla: Two compressions, to how many breaths?
ys0lla: At the park
ys0lla: Good night!
ys0lla: Canberra Christmas Meet
ys0lla: National Botanic Garden
ys0lla: National Botanic Garden
ys0lla: The Dog on the Tucker Box
ys0lla: Summer fun!
ys0lla: My favourite Christmas movie
ys0lla: Spreading love with hugs
ys0lla: How many days till Blythefest?
ys0lla: Sundays are for sleep ins...
ys0lla: Doctor Deb is in πŸ₯πŸš‘πŸ’‰
ys0lla: Happy Easter Everybunny! πŸ‡
ys0lla: My oldest doll game: Deb was my first Blythe ❀️Tristan gave her to me in 2005, she's an "I Love You It's True". She's had a new body, new eyechips and a spray matte. Who is your oldest doll?