Chris Cranford: Welcome Sign in the Falls
Chris Cranford: Danny at the Falls
Chris Cranford: Shooting Welcome to AR at the Falls
Chris Cranford: 35mm Film Camera in the Stream
Chris Cranford: Family posing in front of the Falls
Chris Cranford: Reflectors at the Falls
Chris Cranford: Gary in the Falls
Chris Cranford: Gary at the base of the Waterfall
Chris Cranford: John Bridges
Chris Cranford: Gary shooting EX-1 with the Splash Bag
Chris Cranford: Philip in the Falls
Chris Cranford: Bob climbs the Falls
Chris Cranford: Bob up in the Falls
Chris Cranford: John surveys the Falls
Chris Cranford: John and fake child
Chris Cranford: John and fake child at Falls
Chris Cranford: Gary shooting in the water
Chris Cranford: John and fake child at base of Falls
Chris Cranford: On the rocks
Chris Cranford: Shooting behind the Falls
Chris Cranford: Wondering how to get down
Chris Cranford: Shooting through the Falls
Chris Cranford: In the Falls
Chris Cranford: Twin Falls at Camp Orr
Chris Cranford: Setting Dolly shot at Waterfalls
Chris Cranford: Dolly shot at the Waterfalls
Chris Cranford: Amy loads a Mag