Accidental Nomad: Cider press
Accidental Nomad: Brook turned into a river
Accidental Nomad: Girls playing in the yard
Accidental Nomad: Filled 220 bottles
Accidental Nomad: Paul doing what Paul does
Accidental Nomad: Bottling station
Accidental Nomad: The juice is flowing
Accidental Nomad: The operation
Accidental Nomad: Cider press
Accidental Nomad: First bottle of cider
Accidental Nomad: Filling
Accidental Nomad: Waiting to be pressed
Accidental Nomad: Waiting to be pressed
Accidental Nomad: Rolling out barrels
Accidental Nomad: Bottling station
Accidental Nomad: Cider apples
Accidental Nomad: Cortland apples
Accidental Nomad: Apple crates
Accidental Nomad: Apple crates
Accidental Nomad: Baskets
Accidental Nomad: Up close - pressing board
Accidental Nomad: Pressing boards
Accidental Nomad: Pressing boards
Accidental Nomad: Turkeys in the driveway
Accidental Nomad: Back yard
Accidental Nomad: Have all the apples to make cider on Sunday