Seattle.roamer: The Church at the top
Seattle.roamer: Several thousand feet above the city
Seattle.roamer: The convent on the next hill
Seattle.roamer: Fanicular and Aerial Tram
Seattle.roamer: View from the aerial tram
Seattle.roamer: Plaza at the top
Seattle.roamer: The huge city of Bogotá
Seattle.roamer: Colorful neighborhoods
Seattle.roamer: Lunch on the mountain
Seattle.roamer: Behind Mountserrate
Seattle.roamer: The old plaza at the top
Seattle.roamer: La Ultima Pascua - the last supper
Seattle.roamer: Stained Glass Windows in the new chapel (2)
Seattle.roamer: Stained Glass Windows in the new chapel (1)
Seattle.roamer: Jesus Christ the homeless person
Seattle.roamer: Gardens at the top
Seattle.roamer: Going down is going to be steep
Seattle.roamer: Steep path to the toilets - Not ADA compliant
Seattle.roamer: Steeply down to the city
Seattle.roamer: Curious house
Seattle.roamer: Initially the path down is large
Seattle.roamer: Trumpet Flower
Seattle.roamer: HIker E on the trail down
Seattle.roamer: This end of the city
Seattle.roamer: My lovely Wife
Seattle.roamer: bird (2)
Seattle.roamer: bird (3)
Seattle.roamer: bird (4)
Seattle.roamer: bird (5)
Seattle.roamer: bird (1)