Seattle.roamer: Overcast day in Telluride (2)
Seattle.roamer: San Miquel River CO
Seattle.roamer: Clear day on the main drag in Telluride
Seattle.roamer: Regiatration Tent
Seattle.roamer: Fancy house
Seattle.roamer: A simple cabin - but woud cost 2-3 million in Telluride
Seattle.roamer: walking around town
Seattle.roamer: In town
Seattle.roamer: Checking out the early samples on in the ID tent
Seattle.roamer: P & E enjoying a beer sampler (2)
Seattle.roamer: P & E enjoying a beer sampler (1)
Seattle.roamer: back street in Telluride - bibcyle and plates
Seattle.roamer: On the street in Telluride (2)
Seattle.roamer: On the street in Telluride (1)
Seattle.roamer: West from Telluride showing that the town is up higher than the surroudning area