Seattle.roamer: Camping on the Smith River (2)
Seattle.roamer: Camping on the Smith River (3)
Seattle.roamer: Camping on the Smith River (4)
Seattle.roamer: EVG in the Coastal Redwoods
Seattle.roamer: Looking up in the Coastal Redwoods
Seattle.roamer: Hygrocybe singeri or H. conica - Witches Cap (1)
Seattle.roamer: E. G. inside a Coast Redwood
Seattle.roamer: some Hygrocybe
Seattle.roamer: A huge Coast Redwood (2)
Seattle.roamer: Coast Redwood Stump
Seattle.roamer: EG in the sun by some big trees
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (3)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (2)
Seattle.roamer: Narrow Passages Through the Coast Redwoods (1)
Seattle.roamer: Narrow Passages Through the Coast Redwoods (2)
Seattle.roamer: Pseudohydnum gelatinosum - Cat's Tongue Jelly