Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (5)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (7)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (8)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (10)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (11)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (12)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (13)
Seattle.roamer: Armillaria - Honey Mushrooms (3)
Seattle.roamer: Armillaria - Honey Mushrooms (4)
Seattle.roamer: Porphyrellus (1)
Seattle.roamer: Saddle-shaped False Morel Gyromitra infula (1)
Seattle.roamer: Lactarius cf alnicola (2)
Seattle.roamer: Lactarius cf alnicola (3)
Seattle.roamer: Aureoboletus mirabilis
Seattle.roamer: Aureoboletus mirabilis (1)
Seattle.roamer: Aureoboletus mirabilis (2)
Seattle.roamer: Turbinellus kauffmanii (4)
Seattle.roamer: One of the Orange milk Lactarius sp. of the PNW
Seattle.roamer: Orange Milk Lactarius (1)
Seattle.roamer: Orange Milk Lactarius (2)
Seattle.roamer: Honey - Armillaria (2)
Seattle.roamer: Turbinellus floccosus (3)
Seattle.roamer: Turbinellus floccosus (5)
Seattle.roamer: Turbinellus floccosus (1)
Seattle.roamer: Turbinellus floccosus (2)
Seattle.roamer: Porphyrellus sp cut vertical
Seattle.roamer: Pluteus sp (2)
Seattle.roamer: Pluteus sp (3)
Seattle.roamer: Pluteus sp (4)
Seattle.roamer: Ramaria aurantiisiccescens (4)