Seattle.roamer: Cracked-cap Bolete - Xerocomellus chrysenteron
Seattle.roamer: Cracked-cap Bolete - Xerocomellus chrysenteron
Seattle.roamer: Classic "Golden Chanterelle" Cantharellus formosus
Seattle.roamer: Mossy Rain Forest
Seattle.roamer: Twinkie laying in the moss
Seattle.roamer: Pycnoporellus fulgens
Seattle.roamer: Pycnoporellus fulgens
Seattle.roamer: Pycnoporellus fulgens
Seattle.roamer: Blowing a bubble.
Seattle.roamer: Coprinopsis atramentaria - "Common Inky Cap"
Seattle.roamer: Coprinopsis atramentaria under a Big-Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum)
Seattle.roamer: moss covered deciduous tree.
Seattle.roamer: Pycnoporellus fulgens
Seattle.roamer: Pycnoporellus fulgens
Seattle.roamer: Pycnoporellus fulgens
Seattle.roamer: Small waterfall in the woods
Seattle.roamer: Just a stump in the woods!
Seattle.roamer: Xerocomellus diffractus (?) or is it X. amylosporus (?) - one of the cracked-cap boletes
Seattle.roamer: Golden Chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus)
Seattle.roamer: Pycnoporellus fulgens
Seattle.roamer: Mule Deer in the orchard
Seattle.roamer: Rental Cabin in the Woods
Seattle.roamer: Guttation on Fomitopsis mounceae
Seattle.roamer: Fomitopsis mounceae née Fomitopsis pinicola, "Red-belted Conk"
Seattle.roamer: E. and one big Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)