Seattle.roamer: St Albert the Great Priory
Seattle.roamer: First stop Pipestone Minnesota
Seattle.roamer: Oaks on the Prairie
Seattle.roamer: Storm Brewing on Great Plains in South Dakota
Seattle.roamer: That don't look good!
Seattle.roamer: Dignity Statue touches the rainbow
Seattle.roamer: Dignity throws a rainbow
Seattle.roamer: Dignity Statue
Seattle.roamer: Drawing the Rainbow on the sky
Seattle.roamer: mammatus clouds?
Seattle.roamer: Panorama sunset clouds
Seattle.roamer: Lightning over the Great Plains after sunset
Seattle.roamer: Morning Tower Hike at connectivity camp (1st Night)
Seattle.roamer: Yellow Coneflower, Prairie Grasses
Seattle.roamer: White and Green Prairie Plant - Snow-on-the-Prairie, Euphorbia bicolor
Seattle.roamer: Haystack Maker - Beaver Slide - Pioneer Technology
Seattle.roamer: Old Abandoned Farmstead
Seattle.roamer: Roles of Hay
Seattle.roamer: Burrowing owl, Athene cunicularia and Black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus
Seattle.roamer: One Prairie Dog
Seattle.roamer: Common Sunflower Helianthus annuus
Seattle.roamer: Bighorn Sheep - First sighting
Seattle.roamer: Bird on the desert. A Western Meadowlark!
Seattle.roamer: Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) and nest
Seattle.roamer: Corvettes and Bighorn Sheep
Seattle.roamer: Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) grazing
Seattle.roamer: Ewes ( Female ) Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
Seattle.roamer: Bighorn Sheep Jam!
Seattle.roamer: Bighorn Ewes with Kids
Seattle.roamer: Bighorn Ewe with Radios