Seattle.roamer: St Albert the Great Priory
Seattle.roamer: 20180718_125541
Seattle.roamer: 20180718_125611
Seattle.roamer: Many of the building is Pipestone MN are made of the local stone.
Seattle.roamer: First stop Pipestone Minnesota
Seattle.roamer: The famous old hotel in Pipestone MN
Seattle.roamer: Here is an explanation of at least two of the colors.
Seattle.roamer: Smoke from the stone pipe
Seattle.roamer: The Pipe is us ...
Seattle.roamer: Pipestone Pipes
Seattle.roamer: Pipestone arts and crafts at the museum at Pipestone National Monument SD
Seattle.roamer: Pipestone Quary
Seattle.roamer: Oaks on the Prairie
Seattle.roamer: Prairie Grasses
Seattle.roamer: Looks like rain
Seattle.roamer: Storm Brewing on Great Plains in South Dakota
Seattle.roamer: That don't look good!
Seattle.roamer: The Dignity Statue
Seattle.roamer: 20180718_181437
Seattle.roamer: Dignity Statue with Rainbow
Seattle.roamer: Dignity Statue touches the rainbow
Seattle.roamer: Dignity directing the rainbow
Seattle.roamer: The full rainbow and the dignity statue
Seattle.roamer: The first rain clouds blow through, but there is more to come.
Seattle.roamer: Full Rainbow Panorama at the Dignity Statue
Seattle.roamer: Rainbows all around
Seattle.roamer: Dignity throws a rainbow
Seattle.roamer: Dignity Statue under a rainbow
Seattle.roamer: Dignity and her rainbow
Seattle.roamer: The face of dignity