Seattle.roamer: The Household Cavalry - Horse Guards
Seattle.roamer: Spencer Compton - Eighth Duke of Devonshire
Seattle.roamer: Horse Guard looking through to the parade grounds
Seattle.roamer: The guy in the middle has the serious tools
Seattle.roamer: Down Whitehall to Trafalgar Square and the Nelson Column
Seattle.roamer: Look Right!
Seattle.roamer: Back to the west over thoughts of red double decker buses to Westminster
Seattle.roamer: Green is go for gay males to cross the street
Seattle.roamer: Bi-sexuals / multigendered get to cross the street?
Seattle.roamer: Walk with a friend across the street
Seattle.roamer: Why is Pikachu at the National Gallery?
Seattle.roamer: Thumbs Up! at Trafalgar Square
Seattle.roamer: Some chubby Roman guy in front of National Gallery
Seattle.roamer: Weddings in the City
Seattle.roamer: George Washington in London
Seattle.roamer: Saint Martin in the Fields, but not in a field
Seattle.roamer: A Gentlemen's Club
Seattle.roamer: Florence Nightingale (Left) and some others...
Seattle.roamer: A Titan (?) holding up a porch
Seattle.roamer: Walking to Saint James Palace
Seattle.roamer: Guards going to Buckingham Palace
Seattle.roamer: Guards coming from Buckingham Palace
Seattle.roamer: The guys seem to have guns!
Seattle.roamer: Head Dude with a bearskin hat
Seattle.roamer: They make the turn and head home
Seattle.roamer: Empty road to Buckingham Palace
Seattle.roamer: Buckingham Palace
Seattle.roamer: Saint James Park Lake
Seattle.roamer: Urban Squirrel and park patroness
Seattle.roamer: Saint James Park - Geese