Seattle.roamer: Table setup is coming along
Seattle.roamer: Setting up the sorting boxes
Seattle.roamer: Sorting boxes ready for sorting to begin
Seattle.roamer: Member contributions
Seattle.roamer: Empty display trays with sand ready for building a display
Seattle.roamer: Friday night, no mushrooms
Seattle.roamer: In comes the new black-light tent.
Seattle.roamer: PSMS Book Sales
Seattle.roamer: 1.5 hours into the Saturday of the show and there are people
Seattle.roamer: ID table - What do I have here?
Seattle.roamer: The big vendor - Fungi Perfecti usually comes
Seattle.roamer: Show Floor
Seattle.roamer: A great room
Seattle.roamer: PSMS ID Table - front and center with lots of room
Seattle.roamer: Show floor
Seattle.roamer: Mushroom growing vender
Seattle.roamer: Trays, trays and more trays.
Seattle.roamer: Clitocybe dilatata
Seattle.roamer: Some trays are more full than others.
Seattle.roamer: Putting some showy stuff on the end rows
Seattle.roamer: Show Floor with three rows trays vendors and ID in the same room
Seattle.roamer: Lots of glow in the dark (fluorescent) mushrooms
Seattle.roamer: Black Light illumination
Seattle.roamer: Mushroom table talk by Daniel W.
Seattle.roamer: PSMS is for friends and families.
Seattle.roamer: Night of the show.
Seattle.roamer: All tucked in for the night between show days.
Seattle.roamer: The show is put away for the night
Seattle.roamer: Sample boxes, bags, rays, cartoons ... for recycling
Seattle.roamer: Tray building rooms, before the action.