Seattle.roamer: Motoring through the main passage
Seattle.roamer: Standing on deck
Seattle.roamer: Looking into a hatch from the deck.
Seattle.roamer: Reading the Saturday Paper
Seattle.roamer: On deck ready to unload
Seattle.roamer: Camp comes with Kayaks
Seattle.roamer: Swim team members don't need boats
Seattle.roamer: Map Detail
Seattle.roamer: 1st Course: Hot Dogs
Seattle.roamer: Dillion for the take down
Seattle.roamer: Morning Light on the Lawn
Seattle.roamer: A view west
Seattle.roamer: Group Shot of Troop XV
Seattle.roamer: Returning to Port
Seattle.roamer: This is the project site 3 weeks before.
Seattle.roamer: Can the boys chop through this?
Seattle.roamer: Cutting has begun!
Seattle.roamer: The debris fills the tarps
Seattle.roamer: The cleared hillside. Now we need to remove blackberry roots.
Seattle.roamer: Figuring out how to spread the chips
Seattle.roamer: Richard supervises the chip spreading
Seattle.roamer: Everyone hauls chips
Seattle.roamer: Finally everything is covered. Those left at the end pose for the picture.
Seattle.roamer: OK, they wasn't as hard as it looked. Many hands make light work.
Seattle.roamer: Time for a nap.
Seattle.roamer: This is the project after 6 hours of effort
Seattle.roamer: 2016 03 06_6659