Seattle.roamer: Buffalo River Gilbert Arkansas river access in high water.
Seattle.roamer: Buffalo River warning sign, "River in Flood Stage Extremely Dangerous"
Seattle.roamer: pink Russula sp.
Seattle.roamer: Down the river trail we go
Seattle.roamer: Very Small Ascomycetes, but what is it?
Seattle.roamer: Brown "Jelly Cup" Fungus
Seattle.roamer: 2015 07 10_4677
Seattle.roamer: Velvety Bolete with Blue Spots
Seattle.roamer: Velvety Bolete with very rapid very deep bluing
Seattle.roamer: The tan Leccinum sp.
Seattle.roamer: Butterfly in the Ferns
Seattle.roamer: Buffalo River at US 65 near Tyler Bend - High Water
Seattle.roamer: Thelephora palmata (?)
Seattle.roamer: Thelephora species? Top view
Seattle.roamer: Old Chanterelle no Old Lactatarius
Seattle.roamer: Live woman's fingers with Deadman's Fingers! Xylaria polymorpha
Seattle.roamer: An odd little bluing bolete sp. with a narrow stem
Seattle.roamer: Light Bolete
Seattle.roamer: The tan bolete.
Seattle.roamer: Another bolete sp.
Seattle.roamer: Bolete to eat?
Seattle.roamer: Leccinum sp.
Seattle.roamer: Yellow Leccinum Spore and Stem detail.
Seattle.roamer: Leccinum sp.
Seattle.roamer: Bolete sp.
Seattle.roamer: Leccinum sp.
Seattle.roamer: commonly seen leccinum or some unusual bolote
Seattle.roamer: Hardly any pseudo gills
Seattle.roamer: Chanterelles in the Forest
Seattle.roamer: 2015 07 10_4708