Sandra Herber: White Sands XXII
Gary Grossman: Clearing
Turk Images: Pine Grosbeak - Male
♞Jenny♞: Basking in the afternoon sun
Matt Buckingham: El Corbatita Dominó
Helen A Jones: Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) # 3
Bill Bowman: Airborne!
Gordon Hunter: Up all night
Eric Gofreed: Northern shoveler- hen
Kip Loades: Family
msdonnalee: fence slatstract
Gord Sawyer: Northern Harrier
Amy Hudechek Photography: Black Scoter (female)
bernieboutin: Frozen Tracks and Prints
Turk Images: North American Moose - Calf
♞Jenny♞: Somedays, you just wanna eat
DeirdreYrD: Grumpy Red Kite
tomblandford: Muskox Bull
Eric Gofreed: The Shy and Elusive Killdeer
♞Jenny♞: Those grizzlies, I tell you,
bernieboutin: Trusting Downy
Deborah Freeman: conflict on their home grounds, two short-eared owls in a territorial dispute.
Deborah Freeman: He came right towards me so quickly. Pure luck to have caught him.
Deborah Freeman: a surprise that spooked me, sure didn't expect him to turn into me.
NicoleW0000: Barred Owl
Gord Sawyer: Snowy Owl
Gord Sawyer: Coyote
Gilles Archambault: Snow Bunting - Plectrophane des neiges