kevin dooley: Buckeye church
kevin dooley: Impossible trek - Crucifixtion
kevin dooley: Impossible Trek - Abilene, Texas
kevin dooley: Impossible Trek - Memphis, Texas
kevin dooley: Impossible Trek - Channing, Texas
kevin dooley: Impossible Trek - Carr, Colorado
kevin dooley: Impossible Trek - Telkwa, British Columbia
kevin dooley: Impossible Trek - McBride, British Columbia
kevin dooley: Cruz del Tercer Milenio (Cross of the Third Millenium) - Estaciones de la Cruz (Stations of the Cross)
kevin dooley: Cruz del Tercer Milenio (Cross of the Third Millenium) - Estaciones de la Cruz (Stations of the Cross)
kevin dooley: Cruz del Tercer Milenio (Cross of the Third Millenium) - Estaciones de la Cruz (Stations of the Cross)
kevin dooley: Cruz del Tercer Milenio (Cross of the Third Millenium) - Estaciones de la Cruz (Stations of the Cross)
kevin dooley: Zapallar
kevin dooley: Taltal
kevin dooley: Christ oversees Punta de Bombon
kevin dooley: Trujillo
kevin dooley: Ten commandments
kevin dooley: Camana
kevin dooley: Huacho
kevin dooley: Jesus en Chiclayo
kevin dooley: Piura
kevin dooley: Anserma
kevin dooley: Guatica
kevin dooley: Pasto
kevin dooley: Risaralda
kevin dooley: Santa Rosa de Osos
kevin dooley: Antioquia
kevin dooley: Sincelejo, Colombia
kevin dooley: Pueblo Nuevo, Colombia
kevin dooley: Yarumal