padu_merloti: Pecan Plantation
padu_merloti: Ocean's Dusk
padu_merloti: Sunset at Children's Pool
padu_merloti: Let me see!
padu_merloti: Lone Rider in the Fog
padu_merloti: Cuyamaca Burned Trees
padu_merloti: Grafitty on the Rocks
padu_merloti: Grafitty Tunnel
padu_merloti: Keep Out
padu_merloti: USA-Mexico Border on the Pacific
padu_merloti: Windmills
padu_merloti: Dried Marsh
padu_merloti: Sand Patterns
padu_merloti: Sunset Reading
padu_merloti: Look! Birds!
padu_merloti: Love and Peace
padu_merloti: Red Door
padu_merloti: Jael and Scott Engagement Pictures
padu_merloti: Jael and Scott Engagement Pictures II
padu_merloti: San Diego Firestorms 2007
padu_merloti: Lower Otay Lake
padu_merloti: Playground