Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Goose with beautiful Blue eyes
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Pelicans at Swan Bay
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Pelican taking off
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Ducks with bottums up
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Duck fishing...
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Pelican Grooming
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Pelican Grooming on a lamp pole!! (As you do!)
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Pelican Grooming on a light pole
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Seagull before he got angry with me
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Pelican @ Swan Bay
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Pelican with the orange reflection of a boat
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: Seagull not that happy with me!
Rosemary Grant Photograhy: The three of us!