Paco_MUC: The Odd Couple
Paco_MUC: Teichralle / Common Moorhen
Paco_MUC: Graugans / Greylag Goose
Paco_MUC: Mandarinente / Mandarin Duck
Paco_MUC: Swan Lake
Paco_MUC: I want to ride my bicycle
Paco_MUC: Westpark
Paco_MUC: The sky so blue
Paco_MUC: Thai Sala in Westpark, Munich
Paco_MUC: Frühling im Westpark
Paco_MUC: Japanese Garden
Paco_MUC: Bayerwaldhaus in Westpark, Munich
Paco_MUC: "What's up? Never heard of a short-legged flamingo?"
Paco_MUC: Thai-Sala (Detail)
Paco_MUC: Thai-Sala
Paco_MUC: refle X ion
Paco_MUC: Gartenbank / Garden Bench
Paco_MUC: Autumn Leaves - Winter Arrives
Paco_MUC: Flower Power
Paco_MUC: Wassup ?
Paco_MUC: "I never dreamed there could be so much happiness, when I was the ugly duckling."
Paco_MUC: "He is able who thinks he is able." (Buddha)
Paco_MUC: Closed For The Season
Paco_MUC: Sky Grid
Paco_MUC: Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Paco_MUC: Red&Yellow