packofhuskies: May 20b ~ Trondheim reflection
packofhuskies: shed window reflection
packofhuskies: reflections
packofhuskies: in the woods
packofhuskies: blue in the marsh grass
packofhuskies: birdbath reflection
packofhuskies: puddle reflection
packofhuskies: puddle reflection
packofhuskies: a quarter of a self portrait
packofhuskies: in the eye of Roo
packofhuskies: window reflection
packofhuskies: broken reflection, too
packofhuskies: broken reflection
packofhuskies: 118: a glimpse
packofhuskies: floating
packofhuskies: me and Paul
packofhuskies: 94: self-portrait in rearview mirror
packofhuskies: bending the reflection
packofhuskies: 77: shades of blue
packofhuskies: 42: reflection
packofhuskies: 25: lines, curves & reflections
packofhuskies: impressions
packofhuskies: eucalyptus
packofhuskies: self-portrait
packofhuskies: cloud reflections
packofhuskies: self-portrait
packofhuskies: Glacier Svartisen, Norway
packofhuskies: May 20n ~ MS Lofoten ~ reflections
packofhuskies: May 20t ~ MS Lofoten ~ reflection
packofhuskies: MS Lofoten ~ reflection