paciano926: First glimpse of Florence.
paciano926: Waiting for the bus, trying to get oriented.
paciano926: Small Bus for small streets
paciano926: Finally found Piazza Santa Croce
paciano926: Piazza Santa Croce
paciano926: House warming
paciano926: The Conference room
paciano926: We have internet!!!
paciano926: The hallway of our apartment
paciano926: Room full of stuff
paciano926: They foyer
paciano926: Laundry time
paciano926: It's like a boutique in here!
paciano926: The view outside the bedroom window
paciano926: On the street looking at our apartment. Those are my pants.
paciano926: Our Street. The Piazza is around the corner.
paciano926: Looking down our street
paciano926: Neighbor's doorway
paciano926: Chillin outside. It was pretty warm
paciano926: Gemma writing outside.
paciano926: Jocelyn admiring the small cars
paciano926: Gemma writing a ticket.
paciano926: Charlene laughing at my drying pants
paciano926: Charlene out the window
paciano926: Going back upstairs
paciano926: Around the corner from our apartment, Piazza Santa Croce
paciano926: The big church
paciano926: Dante
paciano926: Piazza Santa Croce
paciano926: Me at the Piazza