PabloBM: Shanghai Maglev Train at top speed
PabloBM: View from Rafa's
PabloBM: Shopping mall
PabloBM: Nánjīng Lù (南京路) at night
PabloBM: Xi'an's wall guards
PabloBM: Terracota warriors on Xi'an city wall
PabloBM: Cyling on top of Xi'an city wall
PabloBM: Bit of Xi'an
PabloBM: Sports center from Xi'an city wall
PabloBM: Xi'an city wall
PabloBM: Again, cycling on on top of Xi'an city wall
PabloBM: A photo with the lǎowài
PabloBM: Decorations on Xi'an city wall
PabloBM: And more of Xi'an city wall
PabloBM: Chinese Budweiser
PabloBM: Flashy hotel
PabloBM: Apple and Nokia stores
PabloBM: Bell Tower, Xi'an
PabloBM: Inside the Bell Tower, Xi'an
PabloBM: Outside the Bell Tower, Xi'an
PabloBM: Muslim quarter, Xi'an
PabloBM: Muslim quarter, Xi'an
PabloBM: Drum Tower, Xi'an
PabloBM: Drums in the Drum Tower, Xi'an
PabloBM: Bell Tower from Drum Tower, Xi'an
PabloBM: Barber in the muslim quarter, Xi'an
PabloBM: Hans beer
PabloBM: Buddha
PabloBM: Engravings
PabloBM: Stone forest