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Come Out and Play 2009 by Pollie B
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Pollie B
Tangram on Move
Pollie B
Tangrams on Move
Pollie B
Look Ma Sculpture
Pollie B
Look Ma Sculpture
Pollie B
orange team got hardest tangram first
Pollie B
orange team problem solve
Pollie B
orange team puzzel solving
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
oranage figuring it out
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team success!
Pollie B
black team
Pollie B
photographer Danielle
Pollie B
Team Master Amie and Game Buddha Mary J.
Pollie B
Amie tracking down waivers
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team
Pollie B
orange team victory
Pollie B
black team
Pollie B
orange team waiting for mission
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